Department Information
The Department is responsible for the management and upkeep of all facilities and amenities located on the common areas. These improvements consist of major components such as buildings, pools, water features, sport courts, play equipment; hard surfaces such as streets, parking lots, sidewalks and trails; and site amenities such as signs, trash cans, pet stations, benches, picnic tables, and so on. Each component or improvement has different needs when it comes to the management and upkeep of these items.
- Maintains all common areas
- Contracts/oversees work of 3rd party vendors
- Provides support for events
- Performs snow clearing of SRP streets (please note many streets in SR are maintained by VDOT)
- Marks/Grinds sidewalks for replacement
- Performs various repairs and projects in house saving time and money
Our Team
Jeff Smith
Director of Facilities & Grounds
Joe Godbold
Operations Supervising Technician
Matt Doores & Anthony Blaine
Operations Technicians
Who should i contact?
Concerns with SRP common area or SRP streets contact: 703-327-4390 or townhall@southriding.net
- Landscaping/ Street Trees/Common area trees/Community signs and Facilities/Snow removal on SRP maintained streets
Concerns with VDOT streets contact: 800-367-7623 or click here for online reporting.
- Potholes/ Snow removal on VDOT streets
- Clogged storm water drains/ Traffic light
- Animal, tree and debris removal from roadway
Is a Street light out? Contact NOVEC at 888-335-0500 or click here for online reporting.
To see if the street is SRP or VDOT click here.
Loudoun Invasive Removal Alliance (LIRA) - Spotted Lanternflies
Welcome to the Loudoun Invasive Removal Alliance (LIRA), a united effort of over 30 Homeowner’s Associations (HOA’s) representing 200,000+ residents in Loudoun County. Our mission is to protect Loudoun County, Virginia, from the adverse effects of invasive plant species. Acknowledging the pressing need for action, we have formed a strong alliance with the Loudoun County government to collectively tackle the escalating threat presented by non-native plant species.
The Spotted Lanternfly, an invasive pest that has spread across the U.S. since its arrival in Pennsylvania in 2014, has been detected in South Riding. This pest has now infested at least 20 states.
The Lanternfly primarily infests Trees of Heaven but also attacks other native trees like red maples and willows, causing sap leakage and fungal growth. This pest poses a significant threat to local agriculture, particularly the $2B Virginia wine industry, as it feeds on grapevines.
Last year SRP began identifying and treating common areas with Tree of Heaven, who attract the Lanternflies. We treat them with a toxin that targets their roots, as simply cutting them down can worsen the problem by stimulating new growth. Once the trees are dead, then we remove them, this is a lengthy process as some trees require multiple treatments before they are dead.
Residents are advised to squash any spotted lanternflies they encounter, as they are past the nymph stage where less aggressive treatments are more effective. We are testing insecticides and traps in various areas.
Residents should notify townhall@southriding.net about the Lanternfly sightings or untreated Trees of Heaven in common areas.
Here’s the county site for more information: https://www.loudoun.gov/spottedlanternfly
Here are three educational videos for you:
Winter Snow Storm Management
The expectation of a snow day can be exciting and thrilling, however, for the South Riding Proprietary staff, when it comes to winter, it means being prepared for snow covered roads, icy streets and sidewalks.
During a snow event the best way to reach staff is by email to townhall@southriding.net.
So who is responsible for what services? Answering these questions aids in preparation and expectations for all involved.
There are several responsible parties for snow and ice management within the South Riding community. The street responsibility list shows who is responsible for each street.
- Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is responsible for VDOT maintained streets.
- South Riding Proprietary (SRP) is responsible for privately owned lanes and alleys, and parking lots.
- Residents are responsible for their driveways, including the apron and all sidewalks adjacent to their lot.
- If you live in the apartments or in a condo association within South Riding, contact your management company for responsibilities and expectations.
Business and pleasure travelers please remember you are responsible to clear sidewalks even while you are away. Please be sure to make arrangements for sidewalk snow clearing during your absence. Contract with a local company or ask a neighbor for help. Negotiate the rate of compensation based on snow accumulation or time spent shoveling.
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) – VDOT’s goal is to make all roads passable within 48 hours after a winter storm ends. This does not mean the roads will be cleared “curb to curb” or “down to the asphalt”. For information on tracking VDOT’s progress, please visit http://www.vdotplows.org/. This website allows residents to view VDOT’s mobilization plan for winter weather in detail and shows snow removal progress during and after a storm. The site displays each plow driver’s route, when they start plowing and when they have completed. If you do not see that your road has been plowed or treated in the time frame of their 48 hour goal, or if you have found damage to your property, call 1-800-367-7623 or visit http://www.virginiadot.org/travel/citizen.asp to report a problem.
South Riding Proprietary (SRP)- Everyone on the SRP staff is involved in winter weather preparation. From snow plowing, to logging snow concerns and continuously updating information on southriding.net and our social media. The Operations team has dedicated staff for snow plowing on SRP owned streets. Additionally, SRP contracts with a vendor to supplement. While every storm is different, SRP follows the procedures outlined below.
Attached is a list of South Riding Proprietary streets for reference
VDOT interactive website where residents can track snow plows and monitor road conditions in real time
Natural Areas Management
The Proprietary has put in place guidelines for the management of natural areas within the community.
- Policy Resolution #2018-01 – Maintenance Standards for Conservation, Preservation, Save and Naturalized Areas for the Common Areas and lots South Riding – Living in Harmony with Nature
- Tree Care Approach – Magazine Article highlights various tree scenarios and SR policy explanation.
- Tree Lichens – Informative article on tree lichens/fungus from Rutgers NJ Experiment Station.
Facilities Management
The Proprietary is responsible for the management and upkeep of all facilities and amenities located on the common areas of the community. The Facilities and Grounds Department staff complete most of the maintenance for the amenities, buildings and when needed bid out projects to vendors.
Replacement Reserve Study
A replacement reserve study is completed for existing and planned site features, building components and major equipment items for all amenities located within the Property. The Proprietary intends to use the report as the basis for its long-term capital funding programs.
Water Resources Management
The maintenance of the significant bodies of water such as ponds is currently being completed by the South Riding Proprietary.
- South Riding contains pre existing ponds; storm water retention (wet) ponds, and storm water detention (dry) ponds.
- Residents and their guests are permitted to fish the wet ponds from the shore on a “catch and release” basis if they are properly licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Swimming, boating and ice skating on the pond is prohibited.
Farm ponds
- Ponds that were located on the property prior to development of South Riding. These ponds are primarily used for recreational and aesthetic purposes and remain in a more natural state and require minimal maintenance.
- Borders of the ponds will remain in a natural and native state
- Debris in pond will be removed on a monthly basis; or more frequent if needed.
- Recreational fishing is permitted on a “catch and release” basis from the shoreline.
- Swimming, boating, and ice skating on the pond is prohibited.
- Storm water Retention Ponds
The Proprietary will perform the following maintenance tasks:
- A 10’-20’ border around the pond will remain in a natural and native state. Woody material within this border will be reduced or removed bi-annually. Such borders will serve as a deterrent for geese and pollutants.
- Geese and beavers are not desired and trapping services may be used as necessary.
- Debris in pond will be removed on a monthly basis; or more frequent if needed.
- Algae will be treated on a monthly basis between the months of March through October. (You may see pond company during these treatments)
- Loudoun County will perform the following maintenance tasks:
Maintain the integrity of the dam, overflow devices and other related stormwater management structures.
- Dredge the pond when determined necessary by the county.
- Stormwater Detention Ponds
These are ponds that were created as a result of development to manage increase runoff as a result of additional impervious surfaces, such as roads, driveways and rooftops. These ponds retain water for a short period of time after a storm event but will often be seen in a dry condition. The base of these ponds will remain in a natural, meadow-like state. Loudoun County is responsible for maintenance of the management functions of the pond. South Riding Proprietary is responsible for maintenance of the recreational and aesthetic functions of the pond.
(SRP) will perform the following maintenance tasks:
- Remove debris and litter from the ponds as necessary.
- Mow the meadow once annually, typically in the late winter.
Loudoun County will perform the following maintenance tasks:
- Maintain the integrity of the dam, overflow devices and other related storm water management structures.
- Streams
There are several streams located within South Riding. The streams serve as habitat for local wildlife as well as play an important role in draining storm water away from our homes and property. The Association will perform minimal maintenance with the stream:
- Remove debris from the stream on an annual basis.
Wetlands & Wetland Buffers
There are numerous protected wetlands and wetland buffer areas throughout the community. These areas are protected by the state and federal government and must remain in a natural state, containing only native plants. Residents should remain outside of these areas. These areas have been identified throughout the community with 4’ brown fiberglass stakes placed at the outer boundary of the wetlands buffer. The following maintenance tasks are performed by the association within wetlands and wetland buffers:
- Removal of litter will occur on an annual or as requested basis.
- Quarterly inspections of the wetland buffers for encroachment will be performed.
- Standing dead trees causing a hazard may be pruned or downed to eliminate the hazard. Approval by the county may be necessary. Downed trees may remain within wetlands buffer. Trees may also be pruned in a manner that a standing “spar” may remain.
- The intent of the Wetlands Buffer is to preserve and protect the identified wetlands and the natural state within the buffer in perpetuity. This is accomplished by placing the following protective covenants and restrictions on all land within the wetland buffer:
- Destruction or alteration of the preservation or buffer area requires authorization by the Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and or South Riding Proprietary.
- Construction, maintenance or placement of any structure within the buffer is prohibited.
- Ditching, land clearing, filling, excavating, grading, dumping of trash or yard debris or adding or removing top soil within the buffer is prohibited.
- Cultivating, harvesting, cutting, planting, pruning of trees and plants, using fertilizers or pesticides, watering, or other general maintenance of the buffer area is prohibited.
While routine inspections are performed on South Riding facilities, the Proprietary relies on all residents as well to report any concerns or deficiencies on the common area.