As an added service to our South Riding residents we provide notary services at Town Hall, 43055 Center Street. To allow a staff member to be ready and available to notarize we ask that you make an appointment by calling 703-327-4390 or emailing

A notary acts as an official, unbiased witness to the identity and signature of the person who comes before the notary for a specific purpose. The person may be taking an oath, giving oral or written testimony, or signing or acknowledging his or her signature on a legal document. In each case, the notary attests that certain formalities have been observed.

All signers must be present with valid photo ID and sign in front of the Notary Public.

Please bring any necessary witnesses, as they will not be provided.

The first two pages are free, additional pages cost $2 each. Payment methods accepted: cash, credit cards, and personal checks.

Notaries can 

  • Administering oaths and affirmations
  • Certifying affidavits or depositions
  • Certifying “true copies” of documents
  • Notarizing a child’s signature with proof of identity similar to an adult
  • Notarizing powers of attorney and wills
  • Taking acknowledgments
  • Verification of fact

Notaries cannot 

  • Certify true copies of vital records (birth, death, or marriage certificates); only the Division of Vital Records/Statistics can do this.
  • Virginia notaries are also not permitted to certify true copies of court-issued documents.

Alternative Notary Service Providers